“Animas delivers on its promise to take you a step closer to knowing your deepest and true identity, to find the wildest aspirations of your soul and to recover your place in the Earth community. The program guides not only have the experience and skills to facilitate such an adventurous journey; they also have beautiful human qualities to support the soul travellers and inspire them. I have experimented with various paths on human development in the past in my own search for communion with the Earth and my soul, but I have never before encountered something as powerful as Soulcraft. Soulcraft has changed my life and I believe that it can change the life of many others for the better. If you are up for the trip, I highly recommend Animas Valley Institute programs as probably the best option available to facilitate your journey.”
- Carlos G. Animas Quest 2018
“Meetings occurred in light and dark between human and non-human, shapes of snake and wombat and kookaburra, and other less recognisable beings. Friends who travelled alongside had their own longings and loves, we were each alone and yet together. There was a great bonding with one another and a knowing of place and senses, yet an un-knowing, an allowing of mystery to wrap itself around and carry us to places not yet explored. Great trust and bravery was seen and welcomed. A stretching of boundaries and a deep dive into what it is to be alive and present to this wild, raw and precious world. We left with a reminder to ourselves about what is important and loved, and the whispered words echoing in our ears… “don’t go back to sleep…”
— L. Cussel Deep Imagination 2019
“I have wept at ceremonies, songs, poetry and beauty without understanding why or how to stem the flow…Now I weep for the pure beauty of the earth and my capacity to behold it and to live it, to breathe her air, speak her songs, dance in her glory … for beauty that I have so long denied myself, in service to a veil I have laid over my heart, caught in a whirl of self-ness, scrounging for morsels of Western nourishment. I saw the egocentricity of that path in those hills, I recognised its loneliness and brokenness … and I left it beside a rock, I gave it to the river – a burden too heavy for me to carry. I sang it to sleep and I promised not to wake it.”
— Beth B. Deep Imagination Intensive 2018
“The subtle difference between ‘doing your work’ and allowing the world to ‘work on you’ that Bill, Geneen and Wendy returned to over and over during the Advanced Soulcraft Intensive has been like discovering a key that unlocks strange new secret and fearless places in me. For whatever comes – grief, anger, confusion, frustration, love, passion – my only simple yet immense and improbable task is to allow it to do its work on me. To change and shape me, to witness what emerges from that conversation between my being and the world.”
— Beth H. Advanced Soulcraft 2018
“I feel like I have just journeyed further in a week, than in decades of my life. Wild Mind = Blown Mind! Blown wide open to a potential, to a future, that I could not see before. It has opened so many paths forward, clear paths, achievable paths, paths to wholeness. Ways to embrace all the parts of myself, the good and those whose job it was to keep me safe up until now. I am also amazed that this sort of container can be created in the online world. Facilitated with care, wisdom, immense knowledge, integrity, and the safety for me to be able to share freely. Gratitude is too small a word…….’
— Shane G. Wild Mind Intensive - Online 2021
“The quest was nothing short of magical, profound, and deeply life-altering… Into the cauldron went a mixture of pristine land, a group of longing hearts, mystical guides to soul, enchanting poetry, sacred ceremony…and the wild. This concoction was the perfect recipe for something truly spectacular to take place. For me, it was a deep remembrance of ways long forgotten, a deep remembrance of my own place in the world of things, and a blossoming of a profound beauty…Our wildness and connection to the Earth are so precious, it is the remedy for the suffocating disconnection so many of us feel in our lives. It is the healing balm for the destruction taking place on our beautiful planet.”
— Emily R. Animas Quest 2018
“The learning and practices offered on the Wild Mind programme helped to usher me into a more profound sense of my innate wholeness. From this place, I could dare to explore the terrain of other more habitual and less helpful patterns of behaviour with new insight and skills. I became more confident in understanding how to use these self-healing practices to support me in embodying a more radically open, wholehearted, and courageous way of being in the world. Brian and Rebecca were both excellent guides and examples of the beauty of soul-centred living.”
—Jennifer C. Wild Mind 2018
“Rebecca lives the call of the wild of her own soul and understands what that takes…I appreciated Brian’s daring transparency and strength to hold the space safely and effectively…I felt as though I was able to embody more of my soul-self, a tangible moment to moment experience of being simply whom I truly am. I came to discover more of my power lying in the shadows, and overall, I was able to ‘see’ more of the themes and threads of my life quests and this felt like a soul retrieval happening within me, an arrival into my Self from the edges into the centre.”
—Rain C. Animas Quest 2018
“…every day we summoned our dreams, and did their bidding. Courting the imaginal realm takes guts, and a firm foot on the earth, if you can find it. Through art, dance, embodiment, group work, clan work and in dyads, we entered the images that entered us. We searched for and often found words we hadn’t spoken before… We were also guided to take solo but not solitary walks on the land every day. I learned that how we walk says a lot about how we live… Rebecca is a gem and a gift and an example of a soul-centred presence. Brian is an absolutely dedicated soul crafter.”
—Ilana L. Soulcentric Dreamwork 2017
“As promised, Soulcraft invited me into a deep conversation with my soul, mine and that of the larger Animus Mundi of which we are a part. Finding my edge, I danced along it with one hand supported by the guides – soul trackers skilled in interpreting the language of this underworld journey. A wild ride to the wilds of my inner landscapes.”
—Claire D. Soulcraft 2017
Photos from top by Jacques Bopp, Josh Withers, and Phil Botha